First of all, you need to invite the bot to your server by clicking here, or you can join our server where the bot is ready to play with!
If your main language is english you can skip this step since it is default bot's language.
Once the bot is already in your server, you can set the language with the /config command. If your language is not supported yet, feel free to join our Discord server and join the translation team!
Now it is time to spend some of the resources you previously farmed and make upgrades with them.
Upgrading you tools will increase the amount of resources you farm.
After upgrading several times your weapon and HP, it is time to fight!
Go to any zone in your map, and choose the boss menu option. Once you are there, you will be able to fight against the boss.
Remember you will need to have more damage in your weapon that the HP the boss has, and more HP that the damage the boss deals.
You will get rewarded with XCoins after defeating the boss, you will be able to spend in the market.
During the fight you will get hurt, so make sure to be fully healed for your next fight with the /heal command.
After you get a decent amount of XCoins you can spend them in the market (access it from the main menu). Make sure not to spend your coins in things you don't need!
While playing you have the option to use slash commands to interact with the bot. This makes some actions easier and faster to do.
You can see the list of commands on the commands page.